This brief memo provides a short summary of the legal framework and institutional setup within which these investigations are being carried out. It also provides a brief summary of the progress of the investigations and the challenges faced in the investigation process. The memo indicates the remaining tasks and next steps in these efforts to ensure accountability.
21 May 2021
A Summary of Efforts to Ensure Accountability Regarding Violations of International Humanitarian Law and Other Legal Norms in the Regional State of Tigray
There appears to be a concerted campaign to exert undue pressure against Ethiopia. In spite of the relentless efforts by the Ethiopian government to engage positively and constructively on issues and concerns raised by partners, it is being given a cold shoulder. That is why the Ethiopian government is being forced to question the motives of some of the partners,…
17 May 2021
Press statement on the unfair and unwarranted accusations leveled against Ethiopia
As the highly anticipated national elections will be held on 5 June 2021, with Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa cities casting their vote on 12 June 2021, far-reaching preparations have been undertaken in all regions together with the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia.
4 May 2021
Progress on Electoral Preparations
The Embassy would like to reiterate the Government’s enduring priority, at this time, is to rebuild and rehabilitate the Tigray Region, and address the urgent humanitarian needs. The Embassy also rejects, in the strongest terms, the unsubstantiated allegations by the World Peace Foundation that the Government of Ethiopia is using “starvation as a weapon of war”.
6 Apr 2021
Statement to Channel 4 News on Allegations of “Starvation as a Weapon of War” in Tigray
The Embassy rejects, in the strongest terms, the unsubstantiated accusations by the World Peace Foundation that the Government of Ethiopia is “starving the people of Tigray” and using “starvation as a weapon of war”. The facts on the ground are entirely detached from the situation painted in the report. The Government’s main priority remains to rebuild and rehabilitate the Region…
6 Apr 2021
Statement to BBC World Service (Newshour) in response to World Peace Foundation’s report on the situation in Tigray
The Embassy is aware of a distressing video that has been circulating on social media over the last few weeks showing the alleged “massacre” of civilians in Mahbere Dego, Tigray. The aforementioned video is now the centre of recent reports by international media. The Embassy condemns, in the strongest terms, any acts of violence and human rights violations towards innocent…
3 Apr 2021
Statement on the Alleged Massacre in Mahbere Dego, Tigray
The Embassy remains deeply concerned by serious allegations of rape in Tigray and condemns, in the strongest terms, any acts of sexual violence. Any serious violations committed against citizens will be thoroughly investigated, and the Government will spare no effort in bringing the perpetrators of these and other crimes to justice.
26 Mar 2021
Statement to Sky News on Allegations of Rape and Sexual Violence in Tigray
In our March 26, 2021 discussions with President Isaias Afwerki during my visit to Asmara, the government of Eritrea has agreed to withdraw its forces out of the Ethiopian border. The Ethiopian National Defense Force will take over guarding the border areas effective immediately.
26 Mar 2021
Statement by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Discussions with President Isaias Afwerki